HT-Press: High Framerates are the Future of Movie Playback

If you’ve been following the movie industry, you may have noticed the ongoing debate surrounding higher framerates. For years, many people in the industry have criticized framerates above 24fps, arguing that they look worse. However, as someone who’s been keeping a close eye on display technology, I can confidently say that higher framerates are the way forward.

Why do I say this? Well, for starters, the vast majority of consumers today use LCD/LED displays. While OLED displays offer superior image quality, they’re still not as widely used as their LCD/LED counterparts. But what does this have to do with movie playback? Simply put, LCD/LED displays aren’t great at handling fast-moving visuals. They suffer from a phenomenon called stutter, which can make movies look jerky or choppy.

Now, you might be thinking: if LCD/LED displays already struggle with fast-moving visuals, why bother with higher framerates? The answer lies in the future of display technology. Micro LED is the next big thing in displays, and it’s set to revolutionize the way we watch movies. Micro LED displays offer all the benefits of OLED displays – perfect black levels, rich colors, and fast response times – without any of the downsides like brightness limiting or burn-in.

And the best part? Micro LED displays are even faster than OLED displays. This means that higher framerates won’t result in any visual judder or stutter. As the adoption of Micro LED displays becomes more widespread – which experts predict will happen in the next 5 to 20 years – higher framerates will become the norm.

Of course, some people will still argue that higher framerates look worse. But I believe that this is simply a matter of perception. Our brains have been trained to associate 24fps with the “cinematic look,” and anything higher can seem jarring or unnatural. But just as we’ve gotten used to other advances in display technology – like higher resolutions and HDR – I believe that we’ll eventually get used to higher framerates too.

In conclusion, higher framerates are the future of movie playback. As display technology continues to improve, we’ll see more and more displays capable of handling higher framerates without any issues. So don’t be afraid to embrace the future – your movies will look better for it.